I was bloody GUTTED this morning when I'd seen that one of my favourite artists had died. David Bowie was a show stopper, and all tributes to his music in films reflect his unique sense of style as well as his out of this world stage presence. He was a cornerstone in culture forever, and today mirrored the sadness of the day that Elvis or John Lennon died.
Every time I hear the song I can't help but hear Ruth's analysis of the lyrics in the scene "Jean genie, lives on his back... It's about a male prostitute" also one of my favourite film scenes ever anyway with the brilliant "if there is something" dance scene. Also, I'm a sucker for slow mo and Felicity Jones' cute bunny teeth and cuteness in general in high-waisted trousers.
2. Modern Love- Frances Ha
Whenever I run for the bus after work with my rucksack on I can't help but hear "modern love" by Bowie playing in my head. Yes it's probably not normal for a 24 year old to pretend she's in a film but whatevaaaa. I love how dichotomous this song is with this scene, it musically contradicts the happy go lucky vibes of Frances skipping and dancing down the street. When in fact, Modern Love tells the story of a man disillusioned by romance as well as with religion. As Bowie stated, the album Modern Love came off was inspired by Little Richard and the struggle between God and Man, as Bowie was ever the scientist and to me, a philosopher as well as a musician. I'm not sure if I have misread this song, in fact i probably have, but I think that scene really captures the potential essence of the song anyway, to me, the lyrics depict a day to day life of a hopeless romantic and the (maybe fictionalised) promise of love and intimacy (and probably sex, as let's be honest Bowie did go through a very sexually open phase) "Modern Love walks beside me, Modern Love walks on by, Modern Love gets me to the Church on Time." This is soooooo fitting to what Frances is like as a character, she is a dreamer who longs to be a modern dancer despite the practical factors affecting her ambitions (lack of money, experience). Because I initially thought that in Modern Love Bowie, strives to be loved by someone, so much that it gets him through the mundane day to day, including getting to church on time. Looking back on this theory of mine, it's apparently bollocks and so naive it's funny to me. I am a wally. Anyway- next is-
3. Magic Dance- Labyrinth
Why has Labyrinth not been mentioned anywhere? I have only seen one mention of this brill 1980s children's classic, and that was by NME, a photo of Jareth, the King of the Goblins, a fleeting scroll glance down my Facebook feed. I was late to the game with this film, most people I know seeing it during childhood, I watched it earlier this year one evening. I definitely fancied Bowie in it. That hair! That bad boy attitude! That bulge in his tights! Is it disrespectful to write this? Probably! Although I rest on the fact that Bowie had a sense of humour (see below) The cleverest creatives generally do.
4. I'm Waiting for the Man- Almost Famous
I remember watching this film first time when I was about 18 and having not gone through my Bowie phase yet (due to come in second year, will discuss in next mention) I was fascinated by his appearance. I knew who Bowie was vaguely due to a cd my mum played in the car but didn't really realise he looked so... Fabulous?! I was obsessed with the fashions in that film anyway, but like the King of the Goblins in Labyrinth, Bowie seemed to head up the style in the film. Even if the shot of him is so brief, and you only see his back and a cockatiel style Barnet, I was still pretty into it.
5. Lady Grinning Soul- The Runaways
During my second year of uni i was going to a lot of gigs, particularly in the concentrated folk punk scene of the area, which to my utmost 22 year old joy, contained a lot of grrrrl groups as well as a feminists in general. I remember watching the runaways with a few of my gal pals in our tiny dark living room and marvelling over Dakota Fanning's depiction of Cherie Currie depicting David Bowie depicting Ziggy stardust. Her stage presence is almost as alluring as the man himself's, how could all those douchey teenagers boo her?!
6. Heroes - Moulin Rouge
My first introduction to one of my favourite Bowie songs. It's just such a spot on portrayal of what it's like to meet someone who is your soulmate and just realise that you could conquer the world together. I remember watching this film on repeat when I was about 14, my heart actually aching with longing for a Ewen McGregor in my life, or just any old boy in year 9 who would snog me. Anyway, Whether it be writing a musical that will save the moulin rouge from ruin, or merely finally emerging from bed a hungover mess even though you want to just sleep, either way, this song depicts the unstoppable, triumphant force of a duo who are simply meant to be. "We can be us, just for one day".
7. Heroes (again) - The Perks of Being A Wallflower
Around the same time, in 2012/13 in my second year of uni. I also read the perks of being a wallflower, then saw the film consequently. I do like this film, and as breathtaking as the moment is when Emma Watson stands up in the truck with Heroes playing, this song is actually almost too much of an obvious choice for this scene for me, personally. It verged on Katy Perry music video almost for me. I'd rather Frances Ha any day, or the version of the same track in Moulin Rouge. But I loved Emma Watson's hair in that film, I guess? And as much as my brain couldn't take the song with that scene, i still like, felt it, you know? When they whoosh through that tunnel with Bowie proclaiming the characters infinity for them. When I heard the song played on the radio today, I definitely felt the bit where Bowies voice sort of cracks here. Maybe not the best Bowie movie moment for me, maybe it's Emma's dodgy American accent or how the film just didn't match up to the book for me, I dunno, however Heroes is probably one of my top Bowie tracks.
8. Life on Mars - The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Not only one of my favourite Wes Anderson's, because of the beautiful made up marine creatures, animated in vibrant yellows and reds, crayon pony fish, research turtles and more. This is by far my favourite Bowie song. And my favourite scene in the movie, where Bill Murray's character, Steve Zissou, takes a moment at a party to mull over the fact he may have a son. The chorus' climax sweeps in as Steve walks down to the hull of the boat, taking a pensive moment to look out at the water and take a drag on a spliff. It's so bloody emotive. It's so true of one of those moments when you have an earth shattering realisation and you have to walk off to process it alone. Has anyone else had this? Or am I the only one who is that dramatic? I love this song in this moment entirely because the question is asked "is there life on Mars?" It's one of those crazy questions that Bowie was not afraid to ask, and not because he was "high when he wrote it" (if you think that, I'm sorry but you just don't get him, man), but because he thought outside of what people knew and had the balls to say something. He, as Mr G says in summer heights high, "dared to dream".
9. Space Oddity- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Not my favourite Bowie moment, I'll be honest now, I am kind of trying to make up numbers. I actually forgot this scene existed but my brother mentioned it to me and I did what all good journalists do (I think? I haven't received any formal training. How do you journal? Ist?), I researched it then formed an opinion. I've seen this film before, and being a film snob, I assumed I wouldn't like it. But it proved to be a nice Sunday afternoon film in the end, and I did actually enjoy it. It's one of those good films, like eat pray love or hectors search for happiness, which is essentially a film about a character who is pretty successful and a professional at something, but who actually has a deep, emotional void, so then goes out to amend it by travelling the world or doing what they were afraid to do or just put off for years. Film always ends happily, usually with relationship at the end. Everyone wins. So I re visited this scene which, unlike the others I have mentioned, I've only seen once. It is undoubtedly a nicely shot scene, and the music coincides really well with the soaring helicopter. But I'll be honest, I can't remember what's even happening in this bit but I like the song.
10. Let's dance- The Boat That Rocked
Although featuring really quickly during the end credits, this song triumphantly sums up the general joviality of the whole film, which celebrates this time in music. Let's dance plays whilst the members of the pirate radio station, Radio Rock, dance freely in what seems like a really fun bit of the film to shoot. Soz the video is apparently French. This section of the film is also a tribute to music in general it seems, as you see vinyl and album covers of all genres and times in history flick by. I like to think they chose let's dance for this part as it's a) such a great song to boogie to and b) Bowie was so prolifically present in pretty much music forever. I think that's my favourite part about who he was, he was determined from the beginning. Weirdly enough I was showing this website to my (sort of) boyfriend and we were marvelling over how much Bowie worked. Like a Woody Allen of the music industry, Bowie was so dedicated to his craft, and grafted hard, and metamorphosed with time, like a chameleonic alien, when lady gaga and Madonna were still in primary school. I think that's the best thing about him, the fluidity and empathy he had to his landscape, yet he still remained totally true to what he wanted and the aesthetic and sound he strived for. He was a true artist as well as a musician.