Thursday, 27 September 2012

New playlist that I drew come seeeee

Based on my post-summer memories of lovely times with my friends and focusing on the whole Coming of Age film (and just life in general) genre. Especially in light of my pending 21st birthday! 21 songs for my 21 years brooooo. The songs all feature on some of my favey teens-learning-life-lessons films such as Adventureland, Flashbacks of a Fool, Juno, The Runaways, the Perks of being a Wallflower, Almost Famous, the Breakfast Club and even Marie Antoinette. 

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Window Reflections and Introspections in Cinema

It’s a well known fact that watching the same films over and over you can tend to spot small details you never noticed before. A cinematic motif was inspected and approved by yours truly the other day when watching “Lost in Translation” for approximately the fourth time. Characters in films, enjoy staring out of windows. Staring, and thinking. Thinking about something that has usually just impacted their life in a profound, or sometimes a somewhat mundane way

This is the second Sofia Coppola film I’ve seen in which there is a long shot of a main character staring wistfully out of a moving vehicle’s window. If I was a director and I had to have a trademark and Sofia hadn’t already got dibs on this trademark I would have it as my own.

The above  photo is a cheeky screen cap of one of my all time favourite scenes in cinema ever, the feeling of having just met someone that you really fancy and you dream about him whilst, funnily enough, gazing out of a car window.
So once I observed this wistful cinematographic procedure I could not help but notice it everywhere and all the time and stare at it bewildered, like noticing a friends yellowhead on his/her chin.

 That time of introspection in a moving vehicle, is the sweetest. It makes me love long car journeys. It makes me love this time to do nothing and just be with my thoughts, its one of the only times I can truly relax. When I was a baby when I had trouble sleeping my dad would take me on a long car journey to get me to sleep, and it always worked. I like to think it still holds the same effect on me. I don’t know if its personal, my relationship and reverence to the “staring out the car window wistfully” shot. But I can say that maybe someone else, i.e. the directors of the above films, feels the same. Maybe it’s a crucial part of the human conditions connection with the car.