Friday, 8 June 2012

Drawn to Drawing

I was just thinking, when someone asks me about watching shows like Sister Sister or Boy Meets World, or even Saved by the Bell, I can never recall watching them during the 90s. I remember going through a almost childhood long phase where I just simply couldn’t be bothered with live action television shows. They bored me. I preferred the bright colours of a cartoon, Hey Arnold, Rugrats, Recess. And especially, my still-favourite- As Told By Ginger. I don’t know if it was the colours or the way the characters darted so freely around the screen, literally drawn from imagination alone. But it was probably the way they were drawn that got me, I figured out that I could make these shows myself, with just a pen and paper! All the stories in my head could become real, so I began to fill up sketchbooks with stories and illustrations, comic strips and story boards.
This was where my craft began. Where an anxious, highly imaginative young girl’s stories left her head and fabricated in front of her. All through some drawing.

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